Recently I’ve been kicking a question around in the deep recesses of the labyrinth I call my mind. It is why would people mention anything and then follow it up with the word “forever?” Honestly, what exactly is forever anyways? It is simply not thought out or accurate when used, that we do know. Let’s dive into this!
I want to start out with the elephant in the room. “I will love you forever!” Who hasn’t heard this line? I know and I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news, but this is simply the massaging of another through wordplay. I mean someone must die at some point if it goes that far, right? What is the other to do? Imagine another worldly dimension where the deceased spirit person is still loving them all while holding the mansion down? Come on now! Let’s be real here. I’m sure there must be some good-looking folks walking around wherever they are right? All kidding aside though, a lot of the time the significant other has had enough and just finds themselves a new Muppet to also tell, “I will love you forever.” That is reality folks. I just wanted to point out that this is not forever logically speaking. Just saying…
Something else that comes to mind is the idea of staying in shape forever! Sure, you can keep working out and eating right as you go through life, but what is in shape to one is not in shape to another. I mean hell, maybe you are completely diluted with PC culture and think being obese is representative of being in shape. I don’t know! What I do know is that the human body is a fickle ass system and staying in shape forever is a state of mind, not a damn reality! Best of luck with this endeavor though, a very honorable endeavor indeed!
Some other “forever” mentioned things that come to mind would be people adamant they could perform a certain job forever, live in a certain place forever, and eat a specific food forever. I mean we all know this is complete crap and nonsense. I mean is there anything we can confidently say would be forever?
Will the sun come up forever, then also go down? Who the hell knows! We will be long gone to know for sure though, I’m guessing. Will the moon also always come out at night? Will a certain structure stand the test of time? I guess this is all food for thought and reason to eliminate or at least curb the use of the word “forever.” It seems to be a rather overused word considering its fallacious nature!
What I do believe we can begin to practice is something the stoic philosophers did specifically Epictetus. This was the belief that everything should be seen as “borrowed” from nature, fortune, or God. When it all goes south including our health, it is simply being given back to nature. This can be a new perspective eliminating massive amounts of negative emotional response. Just think when you lose a spouse, job, or family member due to whatever the circumstances the kind of devastation this normally causes. With the thought that everything is temporary instead of forever you can have the proper mindset to expect the unexpected and not let it deter you from living your best life till it too is given back to nature! “Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld, in this life you’re on your own!” – Prince, Let’s Go Crazy
I think Prince was trying to tell us everything is temporary and to have some fun while we are here!!!
R.I.P. Prince.