I write this post tonight with a heavy heart. While most go about their daily business aloofly, there is carnage in the Eastern Front the likes of which has not been seen since World War 2. I have seen the footage and it is tragic. I have never kept myself isolated from such tragedy as it is a disservice to oneself. In early times humanity was surrounded by death. Now, many are afraid of inclement weather, totally disconnected from death. It is important to understand your mortality and in return treat others better because life is short. It is important to be empathetic toward others, especially your fellow “man.” I know. I know. Some will read this and say, “Why should I care about people fighting a world away?” Well, because it is the brother that is like you, the sister much like yours with aspirations of helping others through her work, the father that works hard every day to provide for his family, the mother that looks after the children all day, and the children not unlike your very own! That is why you should care. It is your fellow humans that would probably give you the most prized possession they have because you were welcomed as a friend and said, “that is a really nice watch.” They would then respond with, “You like it? Here take it. I’ll get another.” These are the Russian and Ukrainian people amongst many others you have never met before that are put between a rock and a hard place time and again. Who is right and who is wrong? It doesn’t matter and that is what I want to talk about.
Growing up I watched G.I. Joe, He-Man, and Thundercats, amongst many other “combat” based cartoons. I always wanted to be a commando much like “Snake-Eyes” from G.I. Joe! I of course had no sense of real-world geopolitical machinations at the time, but nonetheless, I fell for the “programming” at a young age. These shows were clearly aimed at young boys to create a sense of service and instill an interest in combat. At the root of this “ruse,” we have what is called, “Nationalism.” I think most if not all the time Nationalism is a fool’s errand. Let me explain.
So, you are born into a country with no choice of your own, and you now “owe” this country your “blind obedience” to its leader’s policymaking or lack thereof? Sounds more like the worship of a religion’s God to me. Am I wrong? How does this make any sense? I don’t know about you, but I serve only one master and he is a jealous God indeed. It is this state-sponsored brainwashing program based on what is essentially imaginary lines surrounding the place you are born, that you should be willing to give your life for. No questions asked or rebuttal either! How insane is this belief?
Let me make something clear as well. I know some of you are thinking, “Well what if someone kicks your door in and is ready to do harm?” Then yes that is the time you fight like hell because this is direct unwarranted aggression upon you and your family! This can happen in a grocery store though. When a fight is brought to your doorstep, it is time to resist or flee if possible. Whatever may be the right choice at the time. This is not always so clear though during these moments. Imagine you had an entire family to look after and you were able to flee a wartime scenario, would you not see them out of harm’s way? Or would you take up arms and leave your family to fend for themselves if you were to be “neutralized” by the enemy? This is rather silly to even discuss such a matter. I think the answer is clear. Your family’s safety should be number one when given the opportunity to flee to a safer area.
My point of this post was two-fold. One, you should always treat your fellow “man” with great respect and empathy in mind. Two, you owe no country anything simply because you were born there! This concept of Nationalism is nothing more than a mind control tactic to “shame” you into a “blind-obedient” service to nothing more than a “godlike” entity called the State based on birthplace. Why should you suffer for the sins of those criminals calling the shots while they hunker down in their underground bunkers? They didn’t ask for your input! They put you in harm’s way due to their inadequacies of keeping the peace. Now you are supposed to fight their wars for them. Maybe they should suit up and go “mano a mano.” Declarations of War are almost always due to some hegemonic ideal based on nothing but pure love of power and control of others on a grand scale. Sometimes it is declared because another group has been put into a corner far too long and will not be bullied any longer. This response to unwanted aggression, unfortunately, has a negative outcome for its people too.
In the end, it is the love of power from those on top who will never participate in the fights they start that end in such death and destruction! These lunatics not only start wars on a grand scale but also let’s not forget, restrict free travel! This is another violation of your God-given rights in this world. I ask that you keep your fellow “man” in your prayers now and for all your lifetime. Please, if you watch a Russian and or Ukrainian channel do not comment negatively on these channels either. This shows much ignorance on one’s behalf. Just because someone is born somewhere they are not guilty through the association of birthplace! I mean based on that mindset, should we not be condemned here in the U.S. based on all the atrocities our country has committed then? Please be more empathetic towards others’ hardships because, at the end of the day, we are all just family members trying to live our normal lives which at times is plenty tough enough! To those already gone, R.I.P.