Yes indeed. The new buzz words when you start to receive shitty service everywhere! These are the words uttered by many amongst the “working-class” shaming the few who wised up, I argue. Or maybe it is just the few being paid and treated decently, shaming the many poorly compensated “peasants” below for their “laziness?” I say it is a combination of the two possibilities. Either way, a “workers” revolution is at hand.
I really am in awe at how powerful the people are when they don’t even realize it! I mean think about it, sure some people are ill, but a majority have gotten fed up with shit working conditions and pay. This awakening has caused a worker’s rebellion! It reminds me of a Bolshevik revolution minus the killing of many millions. Seriously, it does. It is an actual revolution! You can’t blame people for being sick of bad pay and working conditions.
As late as the 90’s one used to be capable of earning a decent wage and living comfortably! Slowly pay and benefits have decreased as inflation rises. It truly is a vicious cycle, seemingly unwinnable at times. Recently the lack of workers has caused even more inflation due to lack of supply versus demand for anything!
I recently came across one of the dumbest Youtube videos I’ve ever seen. It argued there may be a compulsory “draft” so people will be forcibly put back to work. How fucking stupid is this? So, what are they going to do, hold a gun to your head if you get drafted to the local grocery and you stand defiantly by instead of stocking the damn shelf? Yeah, that won’t cause an absolute crushing rebellion, at all. That has a similar effect to doing gun confiscation here in the U.S. It will immediately cause an outright revolution aimed at those responsible for the tyrannical enforcement. Don’t these morons learn anything from the greats such as Machiavelli? When a ruling class enforces tyrannical rule or strips existing freedoms, the people will no longer “favor” and fight for the ruling class but will turn on them! Of course, this was a video from a self-proclaimed intellectual. Surprised? I’m not!
I say horseshit on the statement that “no one wants to work!” I believe every human has an innate want to “work” or build something. It could be the male who wants to help build a business from hard work within or the female who still wants to work at building and keeping a family. On that note, there always has been female-dominated professions, including the restaurant and beauty industries. I’m sure there are plenty of females out there just dreaming of running their own salon or restaurant! The government is making it increasingly more difficult to have any “small” owned business within modernity though. It’s that “production” we seek that earns us our keep. What every human doesn’t want though are terrible wages that can’t keep up with simple inflation along with poor working conditions. Why would you keep spinning your wheels on the ice, instead of stopping to restart, to gain some traction?!
I believe this is a restart of the labor field as we knew it. The pandemic has been hell on most of our lives. What it has been though is an awakening for some who yet still need to catch up on the bigger picture, despite recognizing there is a major labor problem. I personally have seen jobs that paid more in 1993 compared to 2022! That is a major fucking issue people! With worse benefits to boot! I can only hope this persists till company ownership realize they are going to have to create better working conditions and pay to stop a “revolving door” of non-invested employees. How can one blame someone for not being fully “in?” I would never be, till the pay is enough to live a “simple” existence at least! It hasn’t been that way for many of us. Millions working 80-hour workweeks, digging themselves a deeper hole for an early grave!
I’m starting to believe this “revolution” will have cataclysmic results one way or another. On the one hand, we have the “pandemic” tyranny ongoing, with the labor issue keeping people preoccupied. This is how the ruling class operates. They want you preoccupied with one concern, so you don’t fight back against the more tyrannical issue. Classic move. On the other hand, businesses could very well “wake” up to a better employee “experience” if those at the top want to keep making money. This would, in turn, give power back to the people while possibly crushing inhibitive “mandated” obstacles standing in the way of profits put forth by tyrannical government rule.
In closing, I simply ask that you think before you speak about those who “stand” for better working conditions and pay. Just because you have put yourself in a “position” where you must work regardless of how poor the pay and conditions are through accumulation of debt and family “responsibilities, be thankful to those who haven’t done such things. Those individuals can “stand” up to the unreasonable conditions that in the end will benefit you as well! Never put yourself in a position where you lose all power of negotiation! That is the first mistake of “man” pertaining to life. Humanity never gets to make the second mistake; it is enslavement through the first.