I’ll bet we have all hoped for something recently. As a matter of fact, I would say it could very well be a part of everyday life. Is this healthy? It can be. It can also be a major detriment. Let’s discuss.
When I look at my own situation, I feel like hope has slipped from my grasp. It used to be a friend that I held close, but now my hand is open. Hope no longer seems to be there. Hope at times seems to be a lot like a prayer to God in many ways. It is almost “wished” upon, without personal action. Waiting for that moment when hope finally comes through. Hope can simply lead to a feeling of hopelessness, changing one’s mindset completely through the outcomes of reality versus a false sense of hope.
I believe when one lacks hope, they have nothing more to lose. Hope can be a tie that binds, preventing you from taking decisive action. Without hope being held so closely to oneself, an individual may now become void of personal fear completely. This may allow actions to be taken that otherwise would have never been imagined. This allows the individual to face psychological warfare head-on instead of avoidance rooted in hope.
If I give you a scenario where you are cornered in a wartime battle and there is no way out, will you fight harder? You would fight like hell! You have nothing more to lose! There is no immediate rationale of hope in fighting out of the situation, it is simply the only choice you are handed in that moment. There is a big difference between this and giving hope a chance. If you had a sense of hope and not impending doom you may second guess your actions, maybe even give yourself up, hoping to be taken prisoner and released later. If you had an escape route, you may flee instead of fighting, hoping you wouldn’t see the enemy again. See how hope can change your mindset completely. It is no different in everyday life.
Hope comes into the psyche mostly through fear-based tactics. I hope I don’t lose my job. I hope this consumable item isn’t gone tomorrow. I hope they don’t pass this law for the country! I hope they don’t restrict access to my daily life. I hope she sees the error of her ways. I hope he changes his mind. How many thoughts are you going to be consumed with through this use of hope?
I think the most important point in this post today is that hope can simply be an obstacle keeping you from taking proper action. If something is nagging at you, working toward a solution is my recommendation rather than “hoping” that something may change! I believe hope is a wicked tool of the elite used to control society. With hope what retribution will come about in the face of tyranny? Unfortunately, we have adopted hope at a cellular level as humanity. It is now part of us. Deluding our minds, keeping us from acting when necessary. Whether it is work, family life, or government, we must discern without hope present. Stop waiting for hope to answer you back and take action against difficult situations. It is one thing to pray for help, it is another to hand over destiny to the false God of hope.