If I had to guess the average Westerner spends a good 10-12 hours per day staring at a television or computer/phone screen! Does this sound healthy? Well, it isn’t. Suffice to say, there is an obesity pandemic here in the West.
Technology is destroying civilization slowly. As with most things it was created to benefit humanity but has been subverted, being used to the detriment of most. I myself am guilty of being on my laptop for at least 5 hours per day. I try to use this time for learning and education, not padding my ego. I do believe this was the original reason for the technological advancement of the internet specifically. As I’ve said before, our own Library of Alexandria!
What really drives me crazy is the time spent senselessly on social media. I was recently at a hockey game on the holiday. There was a twenty-something Western female that didn’t come off her phone the whole game! First off, this is horribly rude. Secondly, I could see it was Snapchat which in no way is educational. I’m sure it was an absolute ego trip to see how many simps were blowing up her head, not sure on which one she wanted on to exploit for personal gain. I got to be 100 with you here. I can only hope that these people who do have ill intentions end up learning from the hardships that follow such behaviors. Yep, I sure do. Why? Because there’s got to be some repercussions for living like a total parasite. People act up and out because there are no repercussions for anything anymore. I digress though, back to pointless screen time.
It is no shocker, that television is “programming.” What is shocking to me is that most folks don’t even know how that works. Television shows have been designed with an agenda in mind. It’s not as if they just wake up and decide to have a “police” show as an example. They are trying to push a narrative for sure. All “news” is pushing an agenda as well. The average normie doesn’t realize they are turning their brain to mush and worse yet, changing their actual behaviors based on what they see. It really is pathetic. But the average Westerner is subverted fairly easy. I used to be against Eugenics, but the more I look around, maybe it should be considered. Only kidding, but seriously. Some undesirable people are having offspring that are not helping further humanity whatsoever. The next generation is usually worse than the preceding. We need to be moving forward, not backward further into oblivion.
Being involved in fitness for so long has allowed me to see the inactivity level of most Westerners. Go ahead and check out how often the people of Eastern countries in the world hang out inside of buildings! You will be shocked to notice this is not a thing. Most of these citizens don’t have transportation and walk a lot! They are out being active, doing something. Very, very few overweight people exist within these societies. It gets real old seeing these fat ass people walking around in the West, wearing their damn sweatpants complaining and bitching about everything under the sun. I swear the fat goes into the brain and slowly destroys it. On top of that, every one of these obese clowns are totally delusional, thinking they deserve some greek godlike partner for life! PC culture in its highest form! Just be more accepting! No, it’s unhealthy damn it. For those overweight and looking to help themselves I give all the respect in the world because the average “normie” won’t even try to stay healthy so this is more than commendable.
Well as I said in the previous post, 2022 is going to be rather rough around the edges. Incendiary posts incoming if you will. If you don’t love the honest content, go and have some conversations with all your PC “friends” and family. It is time for folks here in the West to get up off their dead asses and do something. Hell, anything! Get out a bit more and start living life. I know there are too many lazy sick damn people walking around here. Who needs another visit to your local “hospital?” One thing you won’t find there is hospitality! Start waking up America. Your time is short, your health fading, your morals nonexistent. I know, I know, but it doesn’t make you comfortable. Well, comfortability has gotten all your freedoms stripped and your health in the tank! Wake up you bunch of lemmings and start getting pissed off. That sound you hear is my chainsaw ripping through your false reality! Prepare to have it destroyed to be rebuilt anew.