Riots, murder, theft, and neighbors banging down your door. No, this is not the latest dystopian novel, but the future of the decaying Western Culture! Most of the country has devolved into degenerate morons obsessed with fear and collectivism. Live it up while you can loyal serf! Do your drugs, drink your alcohol because it is all you will have when the house of cards comes down on your head. It’s sad, people don’t even see the building around them collapsing. Most won’t even see the door finally being shut. I honestly don’t see how people can walk around uttering the words, “Happy New Year.” What is there to be happy about, declining freedoms?
It is a culture obsessed with self-serving materialistic pleasures. An obsession with “safety” yet most will carry no weapon for self-defense! Think about this for a moment. How many obese individuals have you seen wearing a “face diaper?” I’m guessing way too damn many. Why would they be worried about their health when they are already at high risk for many illnesses thanks to their abusive eating habits! News flash, that healthy ship lollipop, sailed a long time ago! Why worry? Their health is already in the tank!
There will be attacks on more freedoms in the name of “green” environmental causes. I’m all for serious environmental improvements but let’s be realistic with it. Some of these recommendations are moronic at best. I’m sure meat will reach even higher prices in this new year. Utilities will go up thanks to limiting coal, and other fossil fuels. Yet if you try to use better clean energy methods yourself, the state has a “lockdown” on it to some degree. That makes a hell of a lot of sense now doesn’t it?! How long will your auto fuel costs remain affordable? We will see. I surely see a domino effect pertaining to travel options. First, your “loving” overlords will restrict all public transport through medical measures, requiring vaccination “passports.” Once this is in place, and it probably will be, they then can raise auto fuel costs because, how else will you get around? If you don’t acquiesce, your only travel option is by your own transportation method. They are already restricting restaurant and bar use to vaccinated “passport” patrons in some large cities. What is next, your local grocery store? Access to your bank account?
On that note, your access to cash I believe is slowly running out. Most people I run into, carry no cash! Why, because of course it’s safe to not carry cash! Why else would we believe that most people wouldn’t carry cash?! Of course, it’s a safety measure represented by those who know best. Got to feel safe ya know. I mean why not carry a load of cash and back that up with some fitness training and a firearm. I’ll bet you wouldn’t look like a victim then. Well, I know, that is asking entirely too much of a lazy self-serving populace only concerned with going to work to make ends meet while licking the boot of whatever master they may serve that particular day. Why kill yourself slaving away when nobody is happy in the end. I mean, the amount of permission being asked for in this country! It is all that goes on. While you’re working it is “clearance” for a bathroom visit, a break, or an emergency! On the home front, it is henpecked “spouses” asking their significant other whether they can acquire simple things? Disgusting. This isn’t a free person, that is a slave with a master. When you are constantly asking for permission, you are nothing but a slave. Feel free to disagree and enjoy your personal enslavement, that is your choice. I see henpecked people every day of my life, obsessing over keeping someone happy that wouldn’t hesitate to stab them in the back if given a chance. Some people can have totally delusional self-images thanks to all the social media attention combined with the PC culture flooding the world. Let’s not even get started on how most of these folks look when going out! Pajamas, blue hair, smelling of smoke. It’s a damn joke.
I almost forgot to go on this particular rant right here. What really drives me nuts in this country is how not lazy someone is that is “employed” by an entity of some kind. That’s right because someone is a “functioning” member of society, they cannot be lazy whatsoever! “Functioning” of course simply means serving a master with blind obedience in fear of being fired, accepting any tyrannical unjust work environment, if you will. Yet, these same people will be quick to point the finger at those of us outside the system, hustling, doing our own thing, calling us lazy. I would argue that it is much harder to come up with your own business idea and then implement it and become successful from it! I have chewed too many of these people up one side and down the other in my time. I simply start asking, why are you out of shape, why can’t you protect yourself or your family, why don’t you have any knowledge past your compulsory public “schooling” then? The knowledge part encompasses so much of actually growing in life. If someone is unaware, they really can’t recognize tyranny when facing it. Not taking care of oneself drives me nuts as well. If you’re not healthy, you sure as hell aren’t going to your wonderful work to make a living. Yep, these are many of the same idiots arguing over politics constantly. Really that is no different from arguing about sports teams and statistics. It just makes you look like a moron, seriously. This brings me to my next point.
Please, quit arguing over politics. You look like an idiot. Quit listening to the “news” or radio broadcast. It is all a psychological operation to divide people, so we don’t stand against the real enemy subverting us all. You don’t have to believe me, you can remain in the dark. That’s your decision. Let me say this as well. If you think that your “vote” counts for anything and these individuals in politics are not pre-determined then you my fellow ‘Merican, need a lobotomy! I mean seriously come on. Stop it. I can’t take one more adult male starting some conversation with me before shutting them down completely over their love of what is simply put, “political theatre.” That makes them drama queens for sure. I mean they love the drama through theatre.
Well, that may be a good start for the new year I must say. I will be taking more of a “take no prisoners” approach in some of the coming articles. I really do believe that most of these men in the west better get in the gym and start learning how to become real men. Stop justifying being a man through your paid labor. It really is pathetic. I mean does your paid labor stop your wife from screwing “Chad” or “Tyrone” on the side? Not really, but if you are taking care of business, this is less likely to occur. With everything, I understand there are “exceptions to the rule” but I can only hope I have “ruffled some feathers” through this post. It seems to be the only way of “waking” someone up out of their worldly trance anymore. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to convey a message that has been kept under wraps due to a politically correct culture. I’m here offering the truth for free. I’m saying the things that your PC friends and family don’t have the damn balls to say. Just like Blackbeard’s flag, the hourglass’s sands of time are running out and there will be no quarter in 2022!