Growing up I was a child of the mid-’80s. My cartoons of choice were G.I. Joe, He-Man, and Thundercats. What do all of these cartoons have in common? They were all based on warfare of some type. These cartoons involved many adult themes that at the time I didn’t comprehend. Nonetheless, it was about combat on every level. I wanted nothing more than to become a commando when I grew older! I’m sure a large part of that desire was the “programming” of these cartoons.
If you go forward in time, you will see that these cartoons ceased and the beginning of Barney, Teletubbies, and Rugrats became the norm. No more warfare-based cartoons whatsoever! Now you can say what you want, but this is very indicative of a paradigm shift to make children softer in my opinion. I’m sure in my time the military needed recruits and wanted tougher boys.
Generation X is truly the last bastion of any resistance to tyranny. The younger generations have no recollection of the warrior mindset, it didn’t exist unless sought out. Sure, there are few hard men in each generation, that is true. But, with the softening up of each subsequent generation, there will be little resistance to unjust rules and regulations upon the populace.
“Fear porn” is the order of the day here in the West. With the “talking-heads” spewing forth their propaganda 4 or more times per day on the local and international news, what do you expect? I mean whole channels spewing propaganda all day such as MSNBC, CNN, and FoxNews! Boomers once again lead the charge with their weak-spined ideologies, helping usher in a new age of fear. Yep, I blame these muppets for quite a lot, and they deserve it too! They raped the country of all they could and left the following generations to pick up what was left. I know, some of these boomers served in Vietnam, and that is admirable. Anyways, who is watching CNN or the news 4 times per day? Okay, that’s my point!
I have never seen such a fearful group of people in society. They will simply sell their freedom for some small slice of “safety.” Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” I’m sure back then it was a reference to something other than actual freedom, but that quote sure resonates today!
If we look at basic human psychology, fear is the ultimate control tool. If a populace fears something presented by their “loving” government, they will walk the line, no doubt. On the other hand, those who can “suspend” fear, will stand up to tyranny. We as humans do not lack fear, but a small percentage of us can “suspend” fear at a moment’s notice if need be. That percentage is slowly fading and will lead to a society full of cowering sheep in the near future. I actually believe that warfare will be secret knowledge only taught to a select few to control the masses in the near future. If you don’t understand psychological and physical warfare, you cannot resist anything. If psychological warfare is not identified, it oppresses a populace through the use of fear-mongering tactics. Mixing psychological warfare with generational brainwashing implemented through the university and public education system, you end up with an easily controlled society acquiescing to all forms of tyranny.
If you look at fear tactics used by governments, you can see these tactics can be used for good. I for a fact know that in other countries, especially to the far east, murder and theft are harshly punished. Why not use that here in the West? No, they would rather restrict things such as labor, travel, and everyday life as we know it instead. Sure, this can also be seen in the countries to the far east, but why can we not receive the benefit of a somewhat crime free environment as an example? Go ahead and look at crime statistics in the far east. You will see next to none. Wouldn’t it be nice to have harsher laws that would resist falling into total degeneracy? I think so. This will never happen as the drugs and criminal activity fuel a privately-owned prison industrial complex created for profit. That is right privately owned! We imprison more of society than all other countries combined last I checked!
A society obsessed with fear creates a mentally ill populace. Full stop. This is another fear tactic by the way! Mental illness is in fact real, but it doesn’t have to define who you are! I’m sure if I look into the statistics, in the west, we prescribe more psych medication than all other countries combined as well! We sure do lead the pack for some great things, don’t we? What an embarrassment. I honestly could go on for another hour, with example after example, but I feel like I should wrap this up.
When you live in fear, you’re simply not living. I can’t believe the number of people I run into daily parroting some type of propaganda or another. It is always based on fear to no surprise. At times, it can be difficult to find the words to keep a conversation like this going. Like I have said before, people are becoming more divided than ever, with no thanks to their daily addiction to “fear porn.” Coming from the fitness industry, most people would not work out if they knew the number of actual deaths from it. I’m not kidding, they really wouldn’t! Feeling like we are living in the novel 1984, being surveilled for our own “safety” is just ridiculous! I personally don’t want any of the state’s help to keep me safe. They don’t have harsh punishment for most crimes anyways as I already mentioned. If the sentence was death instead of prison, people just wouldn’t engage in most crime. No prisons for profit, right? Well anyways, I hope you learned some basic psychology today. Fear can be good to keep us safe within common sense, but you cannot let it lead you straight into tyranny. Quit worshipping fear like it is a religion and live your damn life already! Till next time…