Yes, a mythical creature indeed. A single organism, composed of cells containing more than one distinct genotype. Visions of the part lion, goat, and snake creature probably come to mind. I’m talking about something completely different today. I’m talking about a human being Chimera! Not, based on biological signs as they do exist, but personalities.
It is no surprise that we are in an age of mental illness. Machinations of all sorts warping human reality, giving a false sense of what is up and what is down. It’s everywhere and manifests itself through forms of technology mostly. Propaganda meant to form the human-animal, like playdough out of a can. This affects the minds of so many not aware of what is actually taking place. I do believe that this is the root cause of most personality disorders or at least an accelerant of an already pre-disposed genetic condition.
I will not go into the medical texts type of information on MPD (multiple-personality-disorder) but, I do want to make sure you are aware of its existence. This problem transcends rich, poor, and in-between. I personally don’t think these individuals are born but made at least in reference to the Cluster B personality disorders, histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and anti-social. Some of these aren’t at all what you might initially think. I will include a link at the end of the posts to look a bit more into understanding and recognizing these symptoms in an individual.
Some of the indicators are consistent lying, fears of loneliness, erratic emotions, loving one minute and being distant the next, lack of remorse, and constant need for attention. Sure, this is a broad-sweeping group, but I assure you that when you experience these actions you will know it. It’s as if you were talking with one person, but ten minutes later you are talking with someone completely different. The Chimera! As you can imagine, the Chimera is dangerous. When you are on to the Chimera’s erratic behavior and patterns, it will know.
Narcissistic personality disorder in my opinion is at the heart of the Cluster B personality disorder grouping. It manifests itself in many ways, but mostly through a lack of thought for others or selfishness. This will be very apparent to you when on the receiving end. What might not be so apparent is the deception and constant lying. They are masters of deception. The “mask” they wear really represents one or more of the personalities you are experiencing. This personality is more than likely the loving and caring person you are familiar with. Make no mistake though, there is evil within the innermost sanctum of the Chimera. Lack of remorse, love, and empathy. This may even be seen as a struggle between worlds to the NPD/MPD individual themself. Phasing in and out of the loving caring person from time to time.
This NPD individual will base most decisions and actions on their “feelings.” This is never a good thing to do. Throughout the annals of time, this kind of rash thinking has been the result of too many negative results to list here. Each of us must stay grounded in reality and not let our emotions take over our actions and decision-making.
What may be the most important point of this whole post is that the NPD/MPD individual may think there is nothing wrong at all. Therein lies the ultimate conundrum. How can you help them, or do you just cut yourself off from them? What if it’s your friend, sibling, parent, or spouse? I would say that if you are a true empath, you should seek a way to help this person. A difficult task indeed but not futile.
“Prescription Medication” is not always the answer. A pseudo-science in its own right. It is through discussion can we only start to break through if at all to the one in need. It’s the old saying, “The first part of realizing there is a problem, is admitting it.” Once the NPD/MPD can realize there is something amiss, they can start to seek outside help or self-help if possible. Let’s remember “counselors/psychiatrists/etc..” for the most part operate with no oversight! So who is watching and reviewing their actions with patients? Maybe, “The Shadow Knows.” I sure don’t.
In closing, I have to be completely honest on this subject. Without friends, and family understanding that speaking up is a step in the right direction, help for the NPD/MPD may never come. Loving and caring individuals must try and help out if they can. We must all remember if it was us, would we want to go through our entire life self-destructing everything good right in front of us? Seeking greener grass elsewhere, when it was there all along? That is a fate worse than death friends, and why the Chimera goes too often unseen.
Below is a link to webmd for info on Cluster B personality disorders.
We all have our problems, bad days, etc. But, what sets us apart is our thinking and the willingness to go the extra mile and help a loved one, friend, coworker in need. Individuals with these disorders truly need to be “called onto the red carpet.” so to speak, so that they can begin to take the steps to get needed counseling and help! Who doesn’t need someone to talk to in this day and age! Right? It is possible for these individuals; once treatment is sought to have a life that is filled with happiness, positivity, and love for others!